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How Much Does Cedar Siding Cost?

$6 - $18
average cedar siding cost per square foot
$6,000 - $18,000
average cedar siding cost per project
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Key Takeaways

  • Cedar clapboard siding costs $6 to $12 per square foot installed, while cedar shingles range from $6 to $15 per square foot and cedar shakes cost $7 to $16 per square foot.
  • The total cost to install cedar siding on a 2,000 to 2,500 square foot home ranges from $10,200 to $33,600 on average.
  • The cost of cedar siding varies based on the style, wood type, grade, and maintenance requirements, as well as local labor rates for installation.
  • While cedar is a durable and attractive siding option, it is also one of the more expensive materials and requires regular maintenance to prevent damage from moisture, insects, and fire.
  • To get the best value for your money, compare quotes from multiple siding installers and consider factors like durability, energy efficiency, and curb appeal when choosing your siding material.

At Renotag, we know that cedar siding is a popular choice for homeowners who want a natural, rustic look for their home’s exterior. With its warm, woodsy appearance and appealing aroma, cedar can add character and charm to any style of home. But how much does cedar siding actually cost, and what factors affect the price? Let’s break it down.

Average cost of cedar siding

The cost of cedar siding varies depending on the size of your home, the style of siding you choose, and the type of cedar wood used. Here’s a breakdown of the average costs for cedar siding based on home size:

900720$4,300 – $11,500
1,000800$4,800 – $12,800
1,2001,000$6,000 – $16,000
1,5001,200$7,200 – $19,200
1,8001,500$9,000 – $24,000
2,0001,700$10,200 – $27,200
2,5002,100$12,600 – $33,600
2,8002,300$16,800 – $36,800
3,0002,500$15,000 – $48,000
3,5002,900$17,400 – $56,000
4,0003,350$20,100 – $64,000

As you can see, the total cost to install cedar siding on a typical home ranges from around $10,200 to $33,600, with most homeowners spending between $12,000 and $24,000 on average. Keep in mind that these are just rough estimates, and your actual cost may be higher or lower depending on the specific factors of your project.

Cedar siding cost per square foot by style

One of the biggest factors affecting the cost of cedar siding is the style you choose. Here’s a breakdown of the average costs per square foot for the three most common types of cedar siding:

Cedar shake$7 – $16
Cedar shingle$6 – $15
Cedar clapboard$6 – $12

Cedar shake siding cost

Cedar shake siding is made from hand-split cedar logs, resulting in a thick, textured appearance with irregular edges. This rustic style is often used on cabins, cottages, and other homes with a natural, woodsy aesthetic.

The average cost to install cedar shake siding ranges from $7 to $16 per square foot, making it one of the more expensive options. The higher cost is due to the labor-intensive process of hand-splitting the shakes, as well as the thicker material used.

Cedar shingle siding cost

Cedar shingle siding is made from machine-cut cedar logs, resulting in a thinner, more uniform appearance than shakes. Shingles are typically installed in overlapping rows, creating a classic, cottage-style look.

The average cost to install cedar shingle siding ranges from $6 to $15 per square foot, making it slightly less expensive than shakes. The lower cost is due to the machine-cutting process, which is less labor-intensive than hand-splitting.

Cedar clapboard siding cost

Cedar clapboard siding, also known as lap siding or bevel siding, is made from long, thin boards that are installed horizontally with an overlapping edge. This style creates a smooth, uniform appearance that is well-suited to traditional and colonial-style homes.

The average cost to install cedar clapboard siding ranges from $6 to $12 per square foot, making it the most affordable option of the three. The lower cost is due to the simpler installation process and the thinner material used.

Cedar siding cost by wood type

In addition to the style of siding, the type of cedar wood used can also affect the cost of your project. Here’s a breakdown of the average costs and characteristics of the three most common types of cedar used for siding:

Cedar TypeAverage CostDetails
Western redwood$3 – $6.50– Grows mostly in the Pacific Northwest
– Reddish to pinkish-brown color with medium to coarse grain texture
– Denser than white cedar
– More naturally insect resistant than white cedar
Northern White$2 – 4– Grows mostly in the Northeast
– Light brown or nearly white color
– Lightweight and soft
– Stronger aroma than other types
Spanish$4 – $9– Grows in Central/South America and the Caribbean
– Pale pinkish to reddish-brown color with even colored grain
– Higher moisture resistance; ideal for humid climates
– More difficult to source

As you can see, Northern white cedar is the most affordable option at $2.00 to $4.00 per square foot, while Spanish cedar is the most expensive at $4.00 to $9.00 per square foot. Western redwood falls in the middle at $3.00 to $6.50 per square foot.

Each type of cedar has its own unique characteristics and benefits, such as color, grain texture, density, and moisture resistance. The right choice for your home will depend on your specific climate, aesthetic preferences, and budget.

Cedar siding installation cost factors

In addition to the style and type of cedar siding, there are several other factors that can impact the total cost of your project. Here’s a breakdown of the typical costs involved:

Materials$2 – $9
Labor & supplies$4 – $7
Total installed cost$6 – $16

As you can see, the cost of materials makes up a significant portion of the total price, ranging from $2 to $9 per square foot depending on the type and grade of cedar used. Labor and supplies account for the remainder of the cost, typically ranging from $4 to $7 per square foot.

Labor cost to install cedar siding

The labor cost to install cedar siding can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The complexity of the job (e.g., multiple stories, intricate trim work, etc.)
  • The condition of the existing siding and wall structure
  • The experience and rates of the siding installer
  • Local labor rates and demand in your area

On average, you can expect to pay between $2 and $5 per square foot for professional installation labor. For a typical 2,000-square-foot home, this translates to a total labor cost of $4,000 to $10,000.

It’s important to note that some siding installers may charge additional fees for things like removal and disposal of old siding, rental of scaffolding or lifts, or special equipment needed for custom installations. Be sure to get a detailed estimate that includes all labor and material costs before signing a contract.

Cedar siding grades

Like many wood products, cedar siding is available in different grades that reflect the quality and appearance of the wood. Here are the most common grades of cedar siding:

  • Clear: This is the highest grade of cedar, with virtually no knots, defects, or color variations. Clear cedar is the most expensive option, but it offers a smooth, uniform appearance that can be stained or painted to suit any style.
  • Select knotty: This grade of cedar has some small, tight knots and minor color variations, but is otherwise free of defects. Select knotty cedar offers a more rustic, natural look than clear cedar, but is still suitable for staining or painting.
  • Quality knotty: This grade of cedar has more knots and color variations than select knotty, but the knots are still relatively small and tight. Quality knotty cedar is a good choice for a more budget-friendly, rustic look.
  • Rustic: This is the lowest grade of cedar, with large, loose knots, color variations, and other defects. Rustic cedar is the most affordable option, but it may not be suitable for all applications or styles.

In general, higher grades of cedar will cost more than lower grades, but they will also offer better durability, appearance, and performance over time. The right grade for your project will depend on your specific budget, style preferences, and quality expectations.

Cedar siding maintenance costs

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing cedar siding is the ongoing maintenance required to keep it looking and performing its best. Cedar is a natural wood product that can be prone to damage from moisture, insects, and UV exposure if not properly maintained.

Here are some of the typical maintenance tasks and costs associated with cedar siding:

  • Cleaning: Cedar siding should be cleaned annually to remove dirt, debris, and mildew growth. You can clean cedar siding yourself using a garden hose, soft-bristled brush, and mild detergent, or hire a professional pressure washing service for around $200 to $400 per cleaning.
  • Staining/sealing: To protect cedar siding from moisture damage and UV fading, it should be stained or sealed every 3-5 years. The cost to stain or seal cedar siding ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 for a typical home, depending on the type of product used and the complexity of the application.
  • Repairs: Over time, cedar siding may develop cracks, splits, or loose boards that need to be repaired or replaced. The cost of cedar siding repairs varies widely depending on the extent of the damage, but can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars for a typical home.
  • Pest control: Cedar is naturally resistant to insects and decay, but it can still be prone to damage from termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-boring pests. If you live in an area with high pest activity, you may need to budget for regular pest control treatments or inspections to protect your cedar siding.

While the upfront cost of cedar siding is higher than some other materials, many homeowners find that the long-term durability and beauty of cedar make it a worthwhile investment. By budgeting for regular maintenance and repairs, you can help ensure that your cedar siding looks and performs its best for decades to come.

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