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How Much Does Toilet Installation Cost?

$350 - $800
average toilet installation cost (with labor)
national average toilet installation cost
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Key Takeaways

Average Cost: $350 – $800 (including toilet and labor)
National Average: $600
Cost by Type: Varies from $250 to $3,500
Labor Costs: Depend on plumber rates and installation complexity
Ways to Save: Purchase during sales, choose standard models, and get multiple quotes

$350 – $800 Average Total Cost (Toilet + Installation Labor)

Installing a new toilet typically costs between $350 and $800. This price range includes both the cost of the toilet itself and the installation labor. Prices can vary widely depending on the type of toilet and the complexity of the installation.

Average Cost To Install A Toilet

The national average cost to install a toilet is approximately $600. It’s important to note that this average includes both lower-end basic models and more expensive high-end options.

Cost to Replace a Toilet
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New Toilet Cost By Type

The cost of new toilets varies widely depending on the type of toilet you choose. Here’s a breakdown of the average unit prices and the installed costs for different types of toilets:

TypeAverage Unit PriceAverage Installed Cost
One-piece toilet$200 – $900$350 – $1,400
Two-piece toilet$100 – $500$250 – $950
High-tank toilet (two-piece)$1,000 – $3,000$1,200 – $3,500
Low-flow toilet$100 – $500$250 – $950
Dual-flush toilet$100 – $1,000$250 – $1,500
Upflush toilet / macerating toilet$750 – $1,500$1,000 – $2,000
Wall-mounted toilet$300 – $1,500$600 – $2,400
Composting toilet$100 – $1,000$250 – $1,500
Smart toilet$600 – $2,000$750 – $2,500
Corner toilet$350 – $800$500 – $1,300
Pressure assisted / power flush$350 – $1,500$500 – $2,000
Bidet toilet$500 – $1,500$650 – $2,100

Two-Piece Toilet

Two-piece toilets are among the most commonly installed types. They tend to be less expensive than one-piece models and are easier to transport.

One-Piece Toilet

One-piece toilets combine the tank and bowl into a single unit. They are usually more expensive but offer a sleeker design and are easier to clean.

High-Tank Toilet

High-tank toilets are a more traditional design with the tank located high above the bowl. They are often used in period homes and can be quite costly.

Low-Flow Toilet

Low-flow toilets are designed to use less water per flush, making them a more environmentally-friendly option. These are typically affordable and fall within the lower range of toilet costs.

Dual-Flush Toilet

Dual-flush toilets offer the option of two different flushes, a full flush for solid waste and a half flush for liquid waste. This can save significant amounts of water.

Pressure Assisted Toilet

Pressure assisted toilets use compressed air to assist with the flush, providing a powerful clearing of the bowl. They are often used in commercial settings and have a wide price range.

Upflush Toilet

These toilets are designed for situations where traditional gravity-based plumbing isn’t feasible. They use a macerating pump to move waste up to an existing drainage line, making them ideal for basement installations.

Wall-Mounted Toilet

Wall-mounted toilets provide a modern and minimalist look, with the tank hidden behind the wall. Installation can be more complex, which increases the cost.

Composting Toilet

Composting toilets are eco-friendly and convert human waste into compost. They are typically used in off-grid settings and can vary widely in price.

Smart Toilet

Smart toilets offer advanced features such as heated seats, automatic flush, and built-in bidets. They are generally on the higher end of the price scale.

Toilet Installation Cost Factors

Several factors can influence the overall cost of installing a new toilet. These include the cost of installation labor, the brand of the toilet, and any additional costs that may arise during the process.

Installation Labor

Labor costs can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the installation and the rates charged by the plumber. It is advisable to get multiple quotes to find a competitive rate.


The brand of the toilet can have a substantial impact on the overall cost. Here are some popular toilet brands and their average unit prices:

BrandUnit Price*
American Standard$200 – $500+
Delta$150 – $300
Kohler$200 – $5,000+
Saniflo$1,200 – $1,500 (toilet kit)
Swiss Madison$250 – $700
TOTO USA$350 – $8,000+

Additional Costs

Additional costs can arise based on specific needs or unexpected complications during installation. These can include:

  • Old Toilet Removal: Disconnecting and disposing of the old toilet may incur extra fees.
  • Plumbing Adjustments: Additional plumbing work can increase costs, especially in older homes.
  • Floor Repairs: Damage to the floor around the toilet may need to be repaired.
  • Water Line Installation: Adding or modifying a water line can also add to the cost.

Signs You Need A New Toilet

Knowing when to replace your toilet can save you from more significant issues down the line. Common signs that you need a new toilet include:

  • Frequent Repairs: Constant need for repairs can indicate it’s time for a replacement.
  • Cracks and Leaks: Visible cracks or leaks around the toilet base can lead to water damage and should be addressed promptly.
  • Wobbling: A toilet that rocks or wobbles could signal underlying issues.
  • High Water Bills: Older toilets may use more water, contributing to higher utility costs.

Ways To Save On New Toilet Installation

There are several strategies to help reduce the overall cost of a new toilet installation:

  1. Purchase During Sales: Look for discounts and sales at home improvement stores.
  2. Choose Standard Models: Opting for basic models can save money compared to high-end options.
  3. DIY Removal: If comfortable, you can remove your old toilet yourself.
  4. Get Multiple Quotes: Compare quotes from different plumbers to find the best rate.

Toilet Installation FAQs

How Long Does It Take To Install A Toilet?

The time required to install a toilet can range from 1 to 2 hours for a straightforward replacement. More complex installations may take longer.

How Long Do Toilets Last?

Toilets typically last between 10 to 15 years. However, high-quality models can last even longer if well-maintained.

How Long After Installation Can A Toilet Be Used?

Generally, a newly installed toilet can be used almost immediately after installation, though a plumber may recommend waiting a short period to ensure all seals and connections are set.

Getting Estimates From Toilet Installers

Obtaining accurate estimates for toilet installation is crucial for budgeting. Here are some tips:

  • Provide Details: Clearly describe your needs and any specific circumstances in your home.
  • Request Itemized Bids: Ask for itemized bids that show the cost of both labor and materials.
  • Check Reviews: Look up reviews and ratings for plumbers to ensure you hire a reliable professional.

Questions To Ask Your Plumber

When discussing your toilet installation with a plumber, consider asking the following questions:

  • What Is Included in Your Quote?
  • Do You Offer a Warranty?
  • How Long Will the Installation Take?
  • Can You Provide References?

By understanding the costs and factors involved in toilet installation, you can make an informed decision and ensure you get the best value for your money.

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