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How Much Does a Wrought Iron Fence Cost? (2024)

$50 – $85
Wrought Iron Fence Cost Per Linear Foot
$10,000 – $17,000
Wrought Iron Fence Cost (200 Linear Feet)
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Key TakeawaySummary
Average Cost per Linear Foot$50 – $85
Average Total Cost for 200 Linear Feet$10,000 – $17,000
Cost InfluencersFence length, height, type, gate inclusion, materials, labor
Key BenefitsDurability, security, aesthetics, customization
Primary DrawbacksHigh cost, installation time, lack of privacy, maintenance
Black wrought iron fence | How Much Does a Wrought Iron Fence Cost?
Black wrought iron fence | How Much Does a Wrought Iron Fence Cost?

Wrought Iron Fence Cost Per Linear Foot

The typical wrought iron fence costs between $50 and $85 per linear foot. This cost can vary based on factors such as the design complexity and the height of the fence.

Wrought Iron Fence Cost to Build (200 Linear Feet)

For a standard 200-linear-foot wrought iron fence, homeowners can expect to pay between $10,000 and $17,000. This estimate includes both materials and labor.

Wrought Iron Fence Cost Overview

The cost of a wrought iron fence is influenced by several factors. Below are average cost estimates based on the length of the fence:

Fence Length (Linear Feet)Average Cost to Install*
50′$2,500 – $4,250
100′$5,000 – $8,500
150′$7,500 – $12,750
200′$10,000 – $17,000
300′$15,000 – $25,500
400′$20,000 – $34,000

*Note: The ranges provided are based on typical installation scenarios.

Cost of Wrought Iron Fence by Height

The height of the fence significantly affects its cost. Here are the average costs per linear foot based on different fence heights:

Fence HeightAverage Cost per Linear Foot Installed
3′$40 – $50
4′$50 – $65
5′$65 – $75
6′$75 – $85
Wrought Iron Fence Enclosing a House | How Much Does a Wrought Iron Fence Cost?
Wrought Iron Fence Enclosing a House | How Much Does a Wrought Iron Fence Cost?

Wrought Iron Fence Prices by Type

The type of wrought iron fence also plays a crucial role in determining costs. Here are the typical prices per linear foot for various types of wrought iron fences:

TypeAverage Cost per Linear Foot Installed*
Plain Black$50 – $60
Galvanized$60 – $65
Ornamental$65 – $85

Plain Black

Plain black wrought iron fences are the most basic type, offering simplicity and affordability.


Galvanized wrought iron fences have an additional protective coating that helps prevent rust and can slightly increase the overall cost.


Ornamental wrought iron fences feature intricate designs and decorative elements, which can make them the most expensive option but also the most aesthetically pleasing.

Wrought Iron Gate Cost

Adding a wrought iron gate to your fence can significantly increase the overall cost. On average, installing a wrought iron gate can cost between $300 and $2,000, depending on size, design, and complexity.

Wrought Iron Fence Cost Estimator

To get a comprehensive understanding of wrought iron fence costs, consider the following factors:

FactorAverage Cost per Linear Foot*
Materials$35 – $60
Installation Labor$15 – $25
Total Cost to Install$50 – $85
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Pros and Cons


  • Highly Durable & Long-Lasting: Wrought iron fences are known for their longevity and resistance to wear and tear.
  • Provides Excellent Security: Their sturdy construction makes them ideal for security purposes.
  • Enhances Property Aesthetics: They add a classic, elegant look to any property.
  • Low Maintenance Requirements: Generally require minimal maintenance.
  • Highly Customizable Designs: Can be tailored to fit specific design preferences.
  • Pest Proof: Resistant to damage from pests.


  • Expensive: One of the most costly fencing options available.
  • Time-Consuming Installation: Installation can take significantly longer compared to other fence types.
  • Lack of Privacy: Provides limited privacy as it is not completely solid.
  • Rusts Without Proper Maintenance: Needs regular maintenance to prevent rust unless made of 99% iron.
  • Requires Strong Foundation: Needs a robust foundation to support its weight.

Wrought Iron vs. Other Fence Types

When choosing a fence, comparing wrought iron to other common materials like wood, vinyl, and chain link is essential.

  • Wood Fences: Provide excellent privacy and a natural aesthetic but require regular maintenance.
  • Vinyl Fences: Offer a combination of low maintenance and durability but may not have the same elegant appearance as wrought iron.
  • Chain Link Fences: Highly affordable and functional but lack the visual appeal of wrought iron.
Elegant Wrought Iron Fence | How Much Does a Wrought Iron Fence Cost?
Elegant Wrought Iron Fence | How Much Does a Wrought Iron Fence Cost?

Wrought Iron Fence FAQs

Why Should I Install a Wrought Iron Fence?

Wrought iron fences are chosen for their durability, security, and aesthetic appeal.

What Should I Consider When Installing a Wrought Iron Fence?

Consider factors such as the design, height, cost, and maintenance requirements.

Does a Wrought Iron Fence Add Value to a House?

Yes, a well-installed wrought iron fence can enhance property value due to its security and aesthetic benefits.

How Long Does a Wrought Iron Fence Last?

With proper maintenance, wrought iron fences can last several decades, often up to 50 years or more.

How Do I Take Care of a Wrought Iron Fence?

Regular cleaning, rust prevention, and occasional repainting are essential to maintain the fence’s condition.

How Do I Make a Wrought Iron Fence More Private?

Consider adding plants, privacy panels, or screens to enhance privacy.

What Is the Difference Between Wrought Iron and Cast Iron?

Wrought iron is more malleable and tough, while cast iron is more brittle and prone to cracking.

Getting Estimates from Wrought Iron Fence Installers

When seeking estimates from installers, it’s crucial to ask the right questions to ensure quality and value.

Questions to Ask a Fence Installer

  1. What is your experience with wrought iron fence installation?
  2. Do you have references or a portfolio of past work?
  3. What is included in your estimate?
  4. How long will the installation process take?
  5. What kind of maintenance will be required?

By considering these factors and asking the right questions, you can ensure that you are making an informed decision when investing in a wrought iron fence. For further assistance or to get a free quote, feel free to contact us at

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